Good brand design sells.
Bad brand design is costly.

When we first start our businesses, it is likely that it is a one-person show or a small team. So you have to end up designing your branding to save money.

We get it. We all have to start from somewhere.

You may say, “It can’t be that hard,” you say, “I can just change the colors and fonts in Canva and I’ll be good to go.” But let’s admit it. Sometimes our creations don’t come out as expected.

If you don’t use proper design techniques and understand the science behind creating a brand identity, you will lack consistency, originality, and look DIY-ish. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Let's get dolled up,
World Changer!

This DIY branding course was created for women in busines on a budget who want a professional brand presence.

By the end of this course, you will learn how to:

  • Create your own brand identity that includes logo, color palette, fonts & typography, imagery, brand pitch & tagline

  • Develop a one page snapshot of your brand guidelines to help you have a balanced, consistent presence across all your platforms

  • Make the most out your new brand identity with bonuses such as optimizing your logo, starting your brand properly and more

Check out what's inside!

    1. Introduction

    2. Copyright and Trademark Notice

    1. Downloads for this module

    2. Create Your Brand Vision

    3. Create Your Brand Name

    4. Create Your Brand Mission Statement

    5. Develop Your Brand Voice

    6. Create Your Brand Pitch & Tagline

    7. Brand Identity Wrap Up

    8. Bring Your Brand To Life Examples

    1. Downloads and links for this module

    2. Visual Identity Part 1

    3. Visual Identity Part 2

    1. Get It Together!

    1. Downloads and links for this module

    2. Bonus #1: Make Your Logo Look Good On Anything

    3. Bonus #2: Starting Your Brand Properly

    4. Bonus #3: Organizing & Automating Your Brand

    5. Bonus #4: Level Up Your Online Presence

95% of brands have consistent identities.

 Our agency helped many women in business create world-class brands. They obtain a solid foundation to eventually go the DIY route for their branding using the methods in this course. Now they show up beautifully without designer help.

Click the video below to see actual branding clients!

Take your brand from DIY-ish to fabulous!

It only takes a few tweaks to your branding to make it look professional. In this course you'll learn what you need to make it happen!